3 Must-Have Explainer Video Components

Explainer videos are one of the most valuable of all types of videos for many businesses today. They tell a story. They provide insight. And, they often help your business to connect with your audience in a very impactful manner. But, explainer videos can be done very poorly and that often leads to limited – if any – response from your audience.

One key reason some explainer videos fail is because they lack in three specific areas. Let’s face it – most people are interested in watching a video to see how something works rather than reading a manual to do the same. And, B2B’s tend to find that this type of marketing can offer a far better ROI than promotional videos.

What Your Videos Need to Have

You know the value of explainer videos. Now, you need to know how to perfect them. Here are three elements that you need to incorporate into these videos to achieve the goals you have.

Your Story Needs Characters

Any story – which an explainer video needs to tell – should have characters. In this case, it’s common for an explainer video to feature a buyer persona. This is the person that represents your buyer. You want the person in your video to be the one that your customers connect with and see as themselves. Establish who your ideal buyer is. And, then, incorporate this character into your video.

There Needs to Be a Conflict

Next, consider the conflict. What’s the problem? Your product, of course, is the solution. However, the first step is to ensure that your buyer sees a conflict that they can relate to. Without a conflict, there’s simply no way for you to tell a story. And, you need to be sure that your conflict is something that truly does impact your audience. What is their pain point? Why did you make the product you are selling in the first place? Often, it is necessary to create an emotional connection between your character and your audience using conflict.

Resolutions and Solutions

Now they see themselves on the screen. They see the problem that has impacted them for a long time. And, you step in to offer the solution they need. In explainer videos, this is the area where you show the viewer how your product or service matters. It’s the purpose of your story. Explainer videos that offer this solution component are those that get a response from the buyer. “Hey, that’s my problem and that’s the best solution for me.”

When creating an effective explainer video, you really do need to create a story like this that communicates clearly what your product is and how it works. However, you also have to develop that story a bit more fully so that you can create an emotional connection with the viewer. Not only are they more likely to buy a product like this, but they are also more likely to share this information with other people. If your explainer videos are lacking in this area, it will impact your success.


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