5 Essential Videos Your School Needs

Videos are a fantastic way to showcase your school. They provide a way for you to reach prospective students, communicate important information in a meaningful way, and deliver a message people will remember. Video is important to Millennials in particular. They are far more enriching and meaningful to this generation. Whether an add or an important message, video helps to make that message come to life – far more so than a typical letter sent in the mail.

Often, schools wonder – what type of video is going to help. Here are some of the most valuable of video types ideally suited for a school to use.

#1: Give a tour

No matter if you are looking to pull in college students or you want to encourage kindergarteners to visit, a video tour is perhaps the most important step. Showcase what will happen, where they will travel, what they will see, and where they will go on a typical day. This can create a fantastic first person point of view of what they will experience at your school. And, done well, they’ll want to be a part of it.

#2: A branding video

What’s your school all about? Every school as a brand whether it is an athletic-driven school, one that has religious components, or even a school dedicated to excellence. The key here is to create a brand video that helps to excite and motivate people to be a part of it! You can do that in many ways, including by using video from rallies, school days, various activities that take place, or just having your students communicate your message for you.

#3: Focus on special programs

Another fantastic way to showcase your school is to zero in on what makes it unique from others. You may have a STEM-based program you want to communicate. You may offer one of the leading research facilities in the country in various fields. Document these special programs through videos. These are specifically helpful when you want to attract more applicants for that specific area. As a result, you’ll want to take them in-depth into the program, classrooms, campus buildings, and into the work they’ll do.

#4: Your students share

Sometimes, it is best to let your students do all of the talking. One way to do this is through a testimonial video. You’ll gather your students and ask them questions. Ask them questions or ask them to share what the school means to them.

#5: Design a commercial

Today, schools need to advertise to get people in the door. A commercial is one of the best ways to do this. You can use it on TV, of course, but also in your social media and on your website. Commercials communicate the benefits of your school to the prospective student with lots of attention-grabbing features.

Working with a production team, you can create customized videos that really speak to your audience.


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