6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs an Animated Video

Content creation is all about telling a story, whether it’s a story about your business itself, your mission, or your customers. As the content creator, your job is to tell that story in a way that will capture the attention of your audience and motivate them to take the desired action.

However, in order for that to happen, you must tell your story well. It doesn’t matter how great the story is; if the execution is poor, you’re unlikely to see the results that you want.

Here’s where animated video comes into the picture. This type of video is rich and engaging, and it is generally easier to produce and manage than traditional video content. In other words, animated video gives you all the benefits of traditional video content, but requires fewer resources.

Here are six reasons that your business needs an animated video.

Animated Videos Help You Get Your Name Out

Because animated video typically has a smaller resource requirement than other forms of video marketing, it can be used by nearly any business, no matter how small or young that business is. It levels the playing field, making it possible for small start-ups to get their name out and compete with bigger, more established businesses.

Animated Videos Let You Set the Tone

When you’re working with real people who have their own visions for how a video should look, it can be hard to capture the exact tone that you’re going for. With animated video, that’s not an issue; you have total control over the entire process from start to finish, setting the tone for even the most sensitive topics.

Animated Videos Appeal to Emotions

Animated videos go beyond providing a list of benefits; rather than limiting the content to the what, they explore the why and how. This makes it easy to appeal to your viewers’ emotions and push them towards the desired action.

Animated Videos Bring Problems and Solutions Together

Your customers have a problem, and your business has the solution. By using an animated video to demonstrate how your business has a unique ability to meet customers’ needs, you allow your viewers to plug themselves into the scenario you’ve created. Rather than simply telling them about what you can do for them, you’re actively showing them.

Animated Videos Let You Flaunt Your Creativity

Want to show a camper being chased by a bear without worrying about risking an animal rights activist group landing on your doorstep (or worse, being mauled by a bear)? Or an office building being crushed under a mountain of loose documents? With animated video, you can flaunt your creativity, playing fast and loose with the laws of nature and letting your imagination run wild. You can bring any concept to life, no matter how off-the-wall or complex it might be.

Animated Videos Leave a Lasting Impact

Because animated videos allow you to go to extremes to get your message out, they leave a lasting impression on viewers. Not only does this give your brand voice a microphone in your industry, but it will make you more memorable, giving you a competitive edge.

Through animated videos, you can create a boundary-free world that appeals to your customers’ emotions, allowing them to understand your brand’s message and what you can do for them.


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