6 Ways to Grow Your Business with Video

You’ve already created a great product or service, but how are you going to get people to notice? Some traditional marketing tactics, like cold calls and print mail, can lead to sales, but at what cost? Social media is another great way to reach your audience, but with so many changes to each platform’s algorithms, your genius written post may not even be seen.

What Customers Want: Video

Enter video. Video a workhorse marketing tool for any business whether you’re new or established. According to Brightcove’s 2018 Video Marketing Survey, more than one-third of all customers (and nearly half of Millennials) prefer video content over other marketing communication. Use these six ideas to grow your business with branded video.

Customer Testimonials

Want to address your customers’ pain points and add instant credibility to your brand? Customer testimonials are the way to do so. Use video to capture real customer experiences and delivery social proof of your company’s value to prospective clients. Watch Apple’s powerful example that has earned more than a million views on YouTube alone.

Product Demonstrations & Explainers

When you deliver products and services, it’s usually easier to provide a visual example of value than it is to explain it in words. Members of your audience will retain it better as well. Consider adding a branded explainer video as a pinned post on social media or on the home page of your site to quickly let viewers know what you’re all about.

Branded Films

Storyline? Check. Personality? Check. Humor? Check. Branded videos are a great way to embed your company into an entertaining video people are likely to watch, like and share. Typically, these are longer videos with high production quality. Check out Coca-Cola’s ‘One Last Summer’ premiere for inspiration.

Behind-the-Scenes Video

Let your audience take a front-seat tour of how your business works behind the scenes. Showcase your production or creative process and film employees doing what they do best. Customers feel more connected to a brand when they know there is more to it than just a logo. Behind-the-scenes video builds a human connection.

Live Video

Attending an industry conference or releasing a new product at an event? Bring your customers with you. Live video can be streamed on social media, recorded for later use and edited into a highlight reel to be published later. It also generates increased engagement with your brand which can lead to more sales that help your business grow.

Video FAQ

A newer video style soon to become a trend is the video FAQ. When customers go to you for help, they don’t want to scour through forum-like posts to get answers, but they also dread making that potentially frustrating and lengthy customer service call. A video FAQ combines a personal touch and a visual example of how to fix the problem which builds trust and keeps them coming back to your brand.

Video for Business Growth

It’s important not to think of brand video as an instant solution to slumped sales. Instead, video connects with customers, enhances your credibility, builds awareness and helps increase your brand’s perceived value among new and existing customers. This is what really sparks business growth.


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