Video for Business: The Dentist

How can dentists use video for marketing? Many of today’s consumers turn to the internet for information and to find the service providers they need. They also expect a completely new type of interaction with those service providers. Video can help you to create the engagement these patients want and need to make the decision to visit your location over others.

What Can Video Do for Your Dental Practice?

Videos used online offer a number of benefits for dental offices. Some of those include the following.

  • You’ll increase the number of people learning about your company. You can include videos about the company, its history, and its goals.
  • Placing videos on YouTube, for example, can help your audience learn about the services you provide. Explain how a procedure is completed, for example, through a video demonstration. This can alleviate their stress about coming in for an appointment.
  • You can also benefit from videos for SEO. To rank well in the search engines, add more videos to your website, blog, and social media. This will help your dental practice to be easier to find by those looking for these services.

Use videos in various locations to communicate with your audience. Instead of a basic website like every other practice offers, offer something a bit more effective and engaging. This will get the attention of your would-be patients.

Video Types for Dentists

How can dentists use video? Many times, dentists don’t recognize the numerous ways they can use video to communicate a message. But, there are plenty of things to use videos for, including:

  • Patient testimonials; allow new patients to learn what they can expect from your dental practice based on what other patients have to share.
  • Provide informative information and tips to patients. Use video to show them how to brush their teeth or to care for their oral health.
  • Document dental procedures to provide a better level of information and to put patient’s minds at ease. This type of supportive video can help make your dental office more enticing than others.
  • Post videos about the staff. This can help to make your location a bit more real to prospective patients. This is especially important for dentists themselves.
  • Showcase what you do to make patients feel at ease when visiting. Take them on a tour of the location.

These types of videos can provide an intense level of information to your patients. And, it helps your dental practice to grow in a competitive market.


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