Best Practices for Video Product Pitches

You have a fantastic product. Video is the perfect way to pitch it to the world around you. Video can help you capture your investor’s attention, but to do so, it’s important to focus on a few specific tips.

Tell a Story – Creatively

One of the most important steps in selling your product to the world is showing how valuable it is. Where did it come from? Why does it matter? Using video, in a creative way, showcase the company’s story. It should be structured well to create a clear sequence that makes sense. And, aim to add something that is surprising to it.

Relate to the People Watching It

Another important way to make video work for you like this is by starting your story with people. You need anyone watching your video to instantly connect with those in it. Don’t focus on the product you have to offer, but the people it will impact.

Summarize the Point

Because this is a pitch, you need to ensure those who are watching it are able to instantly react to it For that reason, you may want to provide a quick summary of what is happening and why. In short, tell them what you are about to show them.

Focus on the Value – What Makes This So Unique?

It is also important to ensure your message comes through clear. If you are pitching your product to your customers in a sales message, you need to tell them exactly how it will benefit them. On the flip side, if you are pitching it to investors, you need to be clear about why this is so unique and what value (profit) protection it brings to the table. Make sure your video clearly demonstrates this.

Make It Moving

Working with a video production company may help here. Your goal is to ensure you are always making your video memorable, so they think about it a few hours later. Capture their attention, provide the clear information they need, but then shock them in some way.

Video product pitches make sense because of the quality of information they convey. Yet, it is up to you to ensure you create a video that’s stunning enough to ensure those customers or investors are going to react from it.


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