The Best Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Website Design

Video seems to be everything today. It is for anyone marketing a product. It is a draw for those using social media or mobile marketing. But, what about websites? Have you thought about how video plays a role in your website’s functionality and overall appeal? It should be an integral part of your web design from the ground up.

Why Video Matters on Websites

Long gone are the days when consumers took the time to read through a marketing message to gather information and then make a decision. People lack time today. Video helps to present a message in a matter of seconds. It creates an impression. It draws people in. And, it also keeps people on the website longer. For all of this to occur, it needs to be built into your website’s design.

Where Video Goes and How it Works

A good place to start then is to understand where you should place video. You have options, of course. A good rule of thumb is to ensure your video is one of the first things your website visitors see when they land on your page. Video content that’s going to draw them in and make an impression needs to be front and center. This is the case when you want people to experience the video as the first thing they see – place it right on the homepage.

The technology you use matters, too. You need to be able to use a video player that is going to work reliably without the need to buffer numerous times. You also need a product that is installed properly to give your viewers the very best access and experience. Wistia is one of the most recommended solutions for its well-designed layout and functionality.

Don’t Forget to Customize Solutions

You will always want to customize your video to fit your specific goal. For example, some video players are far more effective at allowing you to choose colors and styling features. This may seem simple, but depending on your website’s design, it may make a big difference. Look for a player that gives you the ability to create video embedded professionally.

How to Get Started

Before you get started adding video to your website, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Determine why you want video. You want to make sure there is a real benefit to your readers and visitors by offering it.
  • Determine the best type of content for your homepage. This isn’t the place for a sales message. Be sure it adds real value to the page.
  • Place the video where it can be seen, but also without detracting from the overall page design and flow – people need to see your logo first, of course.
  • Use video for branding on this page. You’ll want to choose a video message that clearly communicates this.
  • And, be sure to use a customizable, but reliable player. If you are unsure, test out a few options.

A professionally designed video is also important. Be sure you work closely with your video production team to craft one.


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