Promoting Your Business With How-To Videos

Promoting your Business with how-to videos is easier than you think. It doesn’t matter the product or service of your business, video marketing should be part of your overall marketing strategy. According to comScore Inc., a global digital market measuring service, the average internet user watches an amazing 186 videos, per month!

Get Into the Game

How-to videos have been used to market products and services for quite some time, however, historically they reserved for large brands with big budgets. Small business’ tended to get pushed out of the way because of the cost of producing videos, as well as the time involved. Now, technology has made both of these obstacles a thing of the past.

How To Promote Your Business Using How-To Videos

If you’re planning to produce your own how-to videos, be sure to use these, tricks-of-the-trade.

  • Be Sure the Content of Your How-to Video is Evergreen – Your how-to video is going to live on the web forever. Make sure that you choose content that is relevant not only today but tomorrow, next month, even years down the road.
  • Appeal to Wide Audience – Chose a topic that just about everyone can relate to. Don’t pigeon-hole your brand focusing solely on your current customers, the idea is to gain customers while keeping the base you’ve already acquired.
  • Keep It Short – Say what you have to say in 1-3 minutes and at most 5 minutes. This will encourage sharing. Most viewers will not slog through a 20-minute video.
  • Get Excited – Your how-to videos should get a viewer excited and motivated to buy your product or service because this is the ONLY thing that will satisfy their needs.
  • Ask For the Sell – Closed mouths don’t get fed. ASK THE VIEWER BUY! Treat your how-to video as an opportunity for you to relay info about your product and for the viewer to purchase it right then. Include back-links to your website’s sales pages so that a viewer can make purchases quickly.

Outsource Your How-To

Not comfortable producing your own how-to videos, but still want to use how-to videos as part of your marketing strategy? Kicker Video is a great place to start. Get started TODAY, call the Kicker Video team 888-294-9393, and let them show you How-To.


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