How To Optimize Your Video For Success

Brand marketers, website owners, and any other group working to build their brand and market with video know just how beneficial it is. But, a well-designed and optimized video may be able to do more of the heavy lifting for you. To help you to better optimize your videos to get the most out of them as possible, consider these key tips.

Start with Improving Views

Optimizing your video for increased views are also important. To do so, consider these tips:

  • Ensure you have a video thumbnail that works to properly market what the consumer is going to get. Use a human element here when possible.
  • Make your thumbnail click-worthy. A custom-made thumbnail is a must.
  • Be sure your thumbnail actually represents and helps to brand your efforts. Be sure it is consistent over all of the videos you produce.
  • Be sure to place your videos on your website in an area that makes it easy for someone to see what is available – you don’t want to make them scroll to access it.
  • Be sure it loads quickly. You have people on your site – give them what they want.

This is an excellent place to start because these changes will help to optimize the videos immediately.

Invest in SEO

Video does not take the place of good search engine optimization. In fact, it simply should be a component of your videos. You want to be sure people who can benefit from your video can actually find it. Here are some tips:

  • Give your video a keyword-rich title. Be sure it is clear as to what’s to come.
  • Clean up the page. You do not want to make the search engines overwhelmed with layers of code. Instead, make the video the focal point of the page.
  • Use inline embeds. This is what the search engines prefer, and it can make a big difference in the long term to ranking.
  • Include a transcript of your video on the page. This helps with keyword access.

CTAs Matter

You have people on your page, watching your videos, and they are sticking around. But, are you telling them what to do with this content? You may not be. It is important to optimize your video to tell the customer what to do.

  • Make your call to action clear. Keep it simple.
  • Time it right. In videos, you will want to include options throughout your content.
  • Add a Turnstile to your video. Aim to do this about 20 percent into the content for the best results.

It doesn’t take much effort to optimize your videos, but when you do, you gain new opportunities to reach your audience.


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