Video: The Brightest New Kid on the Content Marketing Block

2012 saw a giant increase in awareness about content marketing as the newest way for businesses to connect with people and create a lifetime customer. What’s new in 2013? Adding video to your content marketing campaign. That’s right – with the unprecedented advent of internet in our lives and YouTube becoming the second largest search engine, video is the newest, most innovative and effective means of content marketing.

What Makes Video So Appealing?

Let’s keep that answer simple – because people love it! Videos are interactive, they move, they talk. They are simply more entertaining and attractive. Plus, videos require much less effort. There is no reading, scrolling through images or typing in detailed search queries. You just press play and watch. That is how convenient videos are, and of course, a one minute video says much more than a 1000 words.

Videos Are Informative On a Whole New Level

A recent Boot Fit Fundamentals video by the retail giant Nordstrom gives its customers a quick video tutorial on how to buy perfectly fitting shoes online. This video has greatly helped boost the company’s sales, and more so, its customers’ loyalty, even though the video is devoid of a classic sales pitch and purely informative.

That is the key to good content marketing. Keeping content genuinely informational and non-salesy, one that gives real value to its customers, goes a long way. Doing so with a video makes the viewers believe in the credibility of your company and result in repeat business and ardent fans.

Two Dimensional Marketing vs. Videos

There will always be a place for text write-ups and image directories. However, video will always be the preferred choice of people. Videos bring your products to life. They can actually show how the product works, as well as showcase its remarkable results. Trying to explain in writing how a vacuum cleaner pulls out dust from the folds in your upholstery using a tiny dismountable attachment can be a lot more tedious and simply, boring. Compare this to a video that shows just how beautifully a dainty looking hostess/homemaker attached to the small brush and swiftly collects all the dust, works much better.

So if you are looking for that perfect platform to launch your online sales campaign, come to Kicker and we will craft you a perfect video that highlights all the strong things about your products and shows its value to the customers, increasing your sales by large numbers.


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