Boost Your Business with Livestreaming


You have seen people “going live” on social media before. It looks interesting and you like to find out what they have to say. However, you may be unsure how this type of service can actually help your business. Livestreaming is an important tool for companies who want to capture business in one of the fastest growing methods possible. Yet, there are a few rules to keep in mind as you do so.

#1: Make Sure You Have a Point

The most important first step is to always have a well-defined point. You do not have to script out your livestreaming (that’s why it is so personal after all). However, you do want to have a clear path to go from thought to thought. You want to have a specific message to provide within the event. Do this before you log on.

#2: Choose the Right Medium

Many of the social media websites offer livestreaming now. Which one is right for you? The easy answer is that the best one is the location with the highest percentage of your most likely buyers. Facebook Live is perhaps the easiest one to use with built-in analytics that help make it ideal. Instagram Stories and YouTube Live are also ideal if this is where your customers are.

#3: Be Professional with Your Tech and Setup

While livestreaming can happen from any location, when doing this as a part of your business, you really need to be sure it looks and feels professional. To do that, be sure you have considered the location carefully. Do a test run to ensure the visuals and the sound are good. You also want to ensure you have a strong, steady internet connection. Live video does not work without it. Then, set the stage to be impressive. Be sure you look good and are a clear representation of your brand.

#4: Practice Makes Perfect

If you have never used livestreaming before, test it out before you try to go live for the first time. Set up something on your personal social media page to give yourself an opportunity to try out the medium, adjust the cameras, and to get comfortable with the methods. Keep in mind – it is all you. Be sure you can properly represent your company.

#5: Don’t Forget to Promote It

Once you are ready to go, you’ll want to have a big audience. Yet, if you haven’t marketed your event any prior to going live, you may not have much of an audience. Instead, be sure to do some marketing before and during your event. Encourage viewers to share your page, too.

Livestreaming can be a lot of fun and very effective if you work at making the pieces come together. Why not give it a shot?


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