Do I Need an App Video?

You’ve developed an app. You are proud of just how cutting edge, useful, and really fun it is. You are confident that people are going to enjoy using it and you’ll get the thousands of downloads you need to make the investment in the app worthwhile. So, why isn’t it moving? As a key part of your promotion for your mobile app, use video. Video is one of the best ways to market any product especially one that takes some getting used to or has a learning curve. In the world of mobile apps, video is essential.

Why Do You Really Need a Video?

Would you rather read about the really cool features of an app or would you like to see them in use? Chances are good you pick up your tablet or smartphone and show people what the app is about when you are talking about it. You most definitely need a video to showcase your app to the world for these reasons.

The benefits of having a video created to showcase what your app is, how to use it, and why use it is essential. Of course, a promotional video is a great tool to help you to sell your app. It provides a clear way for your would-be users to learn more about what the app has to offer. But even those people who have already downloaded your app can benefit from a simple how-to video.

What can a video do for you?

  • Use a video to promote your mobile app. You can use it as a tool for social media. If your promotional video goes viral, downloads of your app will do the same, of course!
  • Create a video that provides information on how to use the app once the user downloads it. It can include actual game play, for example, in a gaming app.
  • A feature driven mobile app can benefit from having the multiple steps or features explained in detail within the app.
  • The app video can also help to show people less obvious features or benefits such as how to share information about the app with their friends.
  • Videos can also help explain the app to your would-be investors. Are you hoping to secure funding for the next project or an expansion? Use video to help you to communicate the value of your app to would-be investors.

If you had to show your friend how to use your mobile app, would you just talk about it, or would you show them how it is done? Video productions do the same thing except you can share this video with anyone whether they are potential users or just those interested in your app. You can share it online through your social media posts and even include links to your video in your company’s newsletter.

There is no doubt that video is one of the most powerful mediums available today. With the help of video, your mobile app can really have the opportunity to do well right from the start.


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