How to Build the Perfect Facebook Video for Your Business

Love it or hate it, Facebook is one of the most valuable tools for marketing your company. Yet, the site is changing. Video consumption on the site continues to be the hot spot. In fact, 100 million hours of video is uploaded to Facebook every day – and 46 percent of marketers use it as a component of their campaigns.

How Do You Create a Video That’s Facebook-ready?

Facebook offers a lot of features to help make it easy for you to upload a video to the platform. It’s a good idea to first map out what you would like to target with your video. Then, consider a few options.

Should You Go Live?

Live video on Facebook is a population option and it can work for marketing purposes. It definitely gets more engagement from your audience. It’s a good way to get your company’s personality in front of the masses and to put a face to the company.

Formal Videos

It may be a bit better, though, to consider other formats that give you an opportunity to create a more professional look. Video that’s live is hard to control and difficult to manage in terms of marketing. While it creates engagement, it relies on a lot of factors going just right all at the same time.

Instead, consider using other videos, including those created in advance, to promote your company:

  • Educational videos are fantastic because people love watching them. If you have a topic you want others to learn about, these videos are the best for creating brand influence and building your perception as an industry leader.
  • Company-based videos are those that tell your business’s story. They communicate the brand through statements, promotional material, and through real people. That is, when you want to create your brand, start with a company story video.
  • Explain something. Facebook explainer videos do well because they are communicating a very specific message to a targeted audience. Explainer videos are excellent tools for teaching your target audience about your company.

Making It a Success

Hiring a video production company to help you craft your ideal Facebook business video is your first step. Then, you want to create a script for it that communicates a specific message for this particular video. Keep it short – usually under two minutes – to get people interested.

You’ll want to work closely with your team to create an interesting, or even strange video, as that’s what is going to help to get your video into the hands of your target audience. Give them quality information every time.


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