How to Engage Employees Remotely With Training Videos

More companies than ever need to find ways to engage their employees in meaningful ways – in remote settings. Training videos can help you to do this if you can find a way to execute the process with some level of flare or interest. Even if the material is boring and mundane, the right approach can make all of the difference in the results you see. How can you dress up training videos to make them interesting?

Consider Animation

Moving to 2D and 3D illustrations can provide you with one of the best ways to add interest. People respond to animation in a much more effective manner. You can do this with virtually any type of topic as well. Implementing more graphics and color can help to make this type of animation truly a standout. It helps to catch a person’s eye and encourages them to pay closer attention.

Provide Detailed Breakdowns

Detailed views can help to provide more information. Using special effects and professional filming, it is possible to create videos that are more effective. Detail shots can help to give your employees a more in-depth understanding of even more complex topics and tasks. This can help them to explore the inner workings of how something works. This particular method can also help with training videos when you need employees to demonstrate how something works to a customer. By providing this type of hands-on and engaging format, they gain more insight.

Use a Cartoon Character

It may seem somewhat childish to do this, but that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, a professional character in animated form can provide a very approaching and less worrisome way of interacting. Characters like this can have human-like expressions, which can help to create a unique connection with video watchers. This is an effective manner for providing information that may not be exciting but is very important for your viewer to understand.

Interactive Components

Another valuable way to add more interest into training videos is to make them interactive. There are various ways to do this. You can incorporate a simple game-like format that someone has to play along with to move through the video. You can also use interactive quizzes that not only keep them interested but force the viewer to listen and learn as they go. Surveys and polls during videos are another good way to keep people engaged.

Training videos can sometimes seem very boring, but they often contain valuable information you need your readers to pick up on and use. Implementing a few strategies for doing this in an entertaining and engaging manner makes all the difference.


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