How to Use Your Video Data for Better Sales Results

Video does more than communicate a message to your customers. It also provides you with valuable feedback and data you can use to tailor your marketing efforts more effectively. Every marketing dollar needs to produce enough leads to make it worthwhile. But, if you are not looking back over your video – or using enough video – you may be missing key information about what your audience needs and wants. Is your message getting through? Are you connecting with the right audience?

Video Data Gives You Insight

When you use smarter, richer data from, for example, video, you enhance the sales process. To be successful in sales, you must communicate the right message every time. But, what is the right message? The data received from your video use can help. It can tell you a great deal about your audience.

  • How did the viewer engage with the video?
  • Did the viewer watch the video a second time?
  • What action did the viewer take immediately following the video?
  • How long did they spend in that video?
  • Did they share it or otherwise use that video?

This type of data can help marketing teams to better understand their audience. Instead of creating videos – and even marketing plans – focused on what the company wants to say, consider what the audience is listening to and interacting with instead.

Make Videos More Than Just an Ad

In order to create this type of engagement and the data you need, it is critical for business owners to gather data that’s specifically focused. That is, you need to do more than create a video that’s an ad. Instead of the commercial of years gone by, create an informative video with incredible detail. Remember, customers have control now. They can stop, rewind, or even skip to various videos. This helps to provide that data that is necessary, but it also means you need to create a video with depth and detail to ensure they get the type of results they need.

How to Measure Your Video Value

Once you have videos, you can begin to measure the value they provide. It is this value that helps define how your sales marketing message is working. You can do this by collecting leads from the video content. Using tools, you can measure where people start and finish watching videos. You can also gather information about how that particular video creates leads – did they call or buy from you? Which videos do your customers watch the most? That, too, is incredibly valuable.

Create quality videos. Then, use the data from them to create and adjust your marketing plan. This is key insight that can transform the way you do business and gives you insight into who your customers are.


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