Incorporating Instagram Into Your Corporate Video Strategy


Instagram seems like a simple social media tool that teenagers use but it is turning out to be much more. Instagram is the newest component you should be taking advantage of for your corporate marketing strategy. If you are using it right, it can help you capture new customers and attract brand-building influencers. Video on Instagram has become one of the hottest trends across the generations. This social media platform works well for any age group.

How can you incorporate video into your corporate marketing strategy, though?

Count the Ways Instagram Works for You

There are numerous ways you can allow Instagram’s short, beautiful videos to work well for your marketing strategy. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Use time-lapse videos to capture attention. People love being able to watch things change over a period of time. Is there something within your business that takes days or even weeks to happen? Create a video showing that. It’s an excellent behind the scenes view, too. If you don’t have any content just yet, host a contest to encourage people to submit it. Then, use those real-life high-quality videos to create your next campaign.
  • Use your user’s content. User-generated content is an excellent resource. Not only is it authentic in the best way, but it instantly creates a sense of connection with your reader and works well on the platform itself.
  • Add a bit of stop-motion to your next campaign. This is a fun and pretty simple way to create videos that get watched. These videos are a series of photos played in rapid succession. This helps them look like they are moving.

If you have not done so yet, consider the ways Instagram can work for your next corporate video campaign. You may find this is one of the best ways to capture the attention of your most likely customer. Millennials and younger generations are finding Instagram is one of the best ways to connect.

Don’t overlook this simple but important tool for your next marketing campaign. It could be exactly what you need to capture a new audience of customers. What’s more, Instagram videos can be anything you want them to be – from short glimpses into your brand or playful, fun videos that lack a lot of complexity.


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