Is Video Marketing Important for SEO?

It is no secret that marketing and promoting products and services is becoming more and more difficult with each passing year. While just a few repetitions of the same message used to do the trick if you had a quality idea, now your potential customers are bombarded with so much information that it is becoming harder and harder to get through to them given the shortened attention span.


While video marketing has taken a major niche in most advanced entrepreneurs’ promotional strategies, it has recently come increasingly into apparent conflict with what is generally labelled as ‘content marketing’. What should more resources be spent on – the video component or the textual component of the marketing? Which is better for your Search Engine Optimization?


What is the relationship between video marketing and SEO?


It has long been a prolific myth that Search Engine Optimization is mostly about the textual content and not the graphic and video materials on your website. This couldn’t be further from the truth. SEO does not necessarily distinguish between text as a separate paragraph and text as a description of a video fragment or as part of the interactions you are having on social media with your viewers and visitors.


Increasingly, being popular online doesn’t mean only having the necessary keywords on your pages driving traffic to them – being truly popular online now means having interactions with people, and what inspires interaction more than an interesting and unique video? As a result of a carefully planned and professionally executed video marketing campaign, you can make significant inroads when it comes to your Search Engine Optimization without any decrease in the human readability of your content.


How can I use videos for my business?


Just like with everything today, video marketing has a lot of different sides that could be tried, as things that work for one company may not necessarily work for others. A video may include information about your company, its vision and mission. It can also add a more personal touch with your managers and staff members talking about how much fun it is to be working at this dynamic and positive place.


The videos can include happy testimonials from completely satisfied customers recommending your services to others. They can include demonstrations of your products in action, and expert advice on the problems that you are trying to solve with your offering. The possibilities, as you can see, are pretty much endless.


How can you help?


Our professional team has been working on the field of video marketing for years and we have acquired the knowledge and experience necessary to assist you in turning your idea into a reality. Corporate videos, video demonstrations, 3D models and other services are all part of what we do without overcharging and to your highest expectations and standards. From conceptual plan of your video marketing strategy to the placement of completed videos – Kicker Video has what it takes to bring success! Contact us today to find out more about our services.


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