Steps to Creating a Motion Graphic or Animated Video

A motion graphic is an animated graphic or video that actively tells a story. To create an engaging and compelling motion graphic, certain steps must be followed keenly. These steps when followed to the letter guarantee that the animated video produced becomes popular among the targeted audience. Here below are the fundamental steps that need to be followed to obtain a top quality motion graphic:

Step 1: A Thoughtfully Written Script

Simplicity and clarity are a primary factor to be considered when writing the script. The standard and most effective number of words per 30-60 seconds should be a maximum of 65 words. To craft the story effectively, one should ask themselves who they are trying to reach, what they want them to learn, remember, and do. Also, one should consider how they want their audience to feel after they watch the motion graphic.

To become highly effective, one should be direct but not too literal. Additionally, to get the message across effectively, one should consider kinetic text and a unique voice over. These features make sure that the animated video is memorable and the message is put across adequately. Kinetic texts grab the full attention of the audience. Studies have shown that people tend to pay more attention to animated videos when they have to read the story line.

Step 2: Storyboard as you Brainstorm the Visual Treatment

This storyboard phase combines the script and the visuals. The design and production team combine their ideas to come up with the best motion graphic. This step is important because it brings together the scriptwriter and the designer. Through the storyboard, frames are drawn out on whiteboard. Additionally, the final script is reviewed in this step before the actual creation of the motion graphic starts. Then, ideas are sketched to bring the desired script into live motion.

Step 3: Take the Storyboards into Design

Color and style are important in the creation of motion graphics. Simple choices make a huge impact on the audience. Therefore, the color and style need to be chosen wisely to make sure that they communicate effectively to the audience. After obtaining the sketches on the storyboard, translation into actual design should begin. All the ideas and information gathered at this stage are used in the final stages. Thus, this step should be completed with precision to assist the storyboard sketcher and the designer.

The final visual notes are used by the designers to come up with the final motion graphic.

Step 4: Animation of the final designs

This is the stage when the real animation process begins. During the process, all steps have built upon each other and everybody involved in the creation of the animated video is well conversant with what needs to be done. The animation style, timing, music and sound effects are ideally incorporated into the motion graphic. By the end of this process, the animated video is ready to be launched for the targeted audience to view.
With these steps followed to the letter, the resultant motion graphic is guaranteed to be of excellent quality.


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