The Best Ways to Repurpose You Company’s Video Content

Repurposing your video content makes sense. In short, it means you’ll get to take the video you’ve spent time and money on and create additional streams of revenue from it. If the video is of good quality, you’ll likely see a great deal of interest in it, time and time again. But, you’ve already posted your video. Your audience already saw it. What could you possibly do to enhance that video to get more from it? You might be surprised by all that you can do with your video again.

Why Should You Repurpose Video?

There are many benefits to using the same video in various ways a second or even third time. For example, it helps your video to get more views, which translates into more of a chance that it will reach a larger audience. That means bigger profits from this process. It also can help with improving SEO, creating a wide distribution channel and helping you to update content that may no longer fit your current needs. So, how can you do it? Consider these tips.

#1: Create Clips for Attention

Taking a single larger video and turning it into multiple, shorter clips can really work well for you. You can:

  • Get more attention to your content – Remember that people are only likely to watch a couple of minutes on your video linked on Facebook, though, on YouTube, they’ll stay longer, even for 15 minutes.
  • You may need to. Some social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter limit length to under a minute (Twitter is only 30 seconds).
  • You can use soundbites and small clips as teasers to bring people in to the full video on your blog or website.

#2: Transcribe Your Video

Transcribing your video allows you to gain significant SEO traction. The search engines love video on websites, blogs, and social media, but that doesn’t help with SEO rankings outright. With transcription, you’ll be including the content, too, boosting your SEO reach.

#3: Break Down Steps

Another way to use your video, especially explainer videos, is by breaking the content into clips and adding the transcribed (or even more content) in between. This is a great way to give you readers more information than a video offers while still engaging them.

#4: Use the Same Video in Multiple Locations

Creating a unique version of your video, perhaps with a different title, start spot, and final screen, can help you to use it on more sites giving you more traction. For example, you can then use your video on Facebook, your content on Linkedin, and then even add in a Medium page. It’s all different enough, but still only one video.

#5: Create Quotes from Your Video

Whether for your company’s about page or for social media, you can take a long video can capture just certain quotes from it and post those. In doing so, you may be able to create a lot of interest and numerous shares (people love to share good quotes!)

Ultimately, that single video you created, with professional-quality details, can become a multi-faceted tool for your business. You can use it in so many ways to create a highly effective way of reaching your audience (and then some). The key, of course, is to create a plan in advance so that your video creation takes all of your goals in mind.


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