The Best Ways to Use Video and Email Together

Many companies use email marketing. It is a fantastic way to reach your previous customers or those who have shown interest in your company. What is even better is that email can incorporate video, which makes it more engaging and a better way to reach your audience. Email has to be easy – it needs to open quickly, be interesting, and provide a simple way for your customers to get information. Here are some tips for linking video and email.

It’s Worth It

Emails with videos in them get read more than those that do not. Clickthrough rates on videos tend to be significantly higher because people like video and engage in it more readily. Any investment you make into video is going to be well worth it in most cases.

How to Make it Work

Incorporating video into email is an important step. Here are a few tips for doing so:

  • Be sure the subject line and first lines of email text indicate there’s a video. Doing this will encourage people to open it.
  • Use it as a way to introduce your customers to your business. It’s a good option for a welcome message and a thank you, for example.
  • Always include a thumbnail – that’s the picture in the email that lets them know they can click to watch the video. It has to be attractive and interesting enough to click.
  • Always include a call to action within your email. Tell them you want the audience to watch the email to get more information, work with you, or otherwise get the service they want.
  • Make sure that your email is easy to open and fast. People do not want to wait to get to the good stuff.

Once the person opens the email and clicks to watch the video, be sure it is an easy transition for them to get to your landing page. And, that landing page, which may be the home for your video, needs to also include the proper call to action. It’s important to keep the content of the email short but to elaborate on your landing page about what your company has to offer.

Using video and email together can be one of the best ways to pull people into your website and your page. If you’re not doing so yet, now is the time to incorporate this medium.


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