The Top 10 Benefits of Producing a Video for Your Business

You’ve probably seen the stats – people are watching over a billion hours of online video per day, etc etc etc. Face it, online video content is ubiquitous. Viewers are able to watch nearly anything on any device, and they are.

Whether you operate an online e-commerce site, or traditional brick and mortar shop, if you are not getting your products and services in front of your customers via video, you can bet your proverbial last dollar that your competitors are doing just that.

Ten Ways Your Company Can Benefit Through The Use Of Video

Level The Advertising Playing Field – Online video marketing is cheaper and can reach just as many potential customers, even more than traditional advertising outlets. Budget constraints no longer limit the advertising reach of the “little guys”.

Video Can Get Your Brand And Message In Front Of Customers, You Didn’t Even Know Were There – Video is a format that is easily shareable between friends and is a huge part of part of social media.

  • More than 500 years’ worth of YouTube videos is watched daily on Facebook.
  • More than 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter every minute.

Video Can Hold Your Customers’ Attention While It Entertains, Educates, and Inspires

  • More than 60 percent of consumers will spend at least two minutes watching a video that educates them about a product they plan to purchase.
  • A video is a great storyteller that can keep consumers glued to your site. A well-produced video can also move your customers to laugh, cry, get mad, learn, or take action, all while keeping your products and services front and center.

Video affords an opportunity to interact with and respond to your customers in real time through comments and replies.

Video Has An Eternal Online Shelf Life – This makes its production extremely cost-effective over time. This precisely why you should focus your production efforts on creating evergreen content.

“Buy Now” Is A Click Away With Video – With traditional advertising, although customers might be motivated to make a purchase, additional steps must be taken in order to close the sale. With video marketing, once inspired, the simple act of clicking a button is all it takes to seal the deal.

Video Goes Everywhere, Anytime – As mentioned previously, consumers are consuming massive amounts of video content through mobile devices. Video puts your brand and message in front of your customers everywhere, accessible at a time of their choosing.

Video allows your customers to become your best sales force through sharing and testimonials that jump off the screen.

Video allows you to showcase your products and services more creatively while adding a voice and personality that come through with ordinary text advertising.

Video Is Easily Measurable – With analytics, it is possible to get near-instant feedback as to the effectiveness of ad campaigns.

In the world of business today, video promotion for your company’s brand is as obligatory as paying taxes. Take your business to the next level. Call us today Toll-free at 1-888-294-9393, or contact us online. Get your fast and free video production proposal from Kicker Video, NOW!


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