Top 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Waste Your Time On Internal Video Production

Corporate videos are everywhere, from television commercials to social media news feeds. With their unique ability to humanize a business and provide valuable information in a digestible format, not to mention the ease with which they can be shared, it’s not hard to see why videos have become so popular among marketing teams.

On the surface, creating a video may seem like an easy undertaking, but don’t be deceived; it’s far more complicated than it looks. Here are three reasons that you shouldn’t waste your time on internal video production.

There’s No Substitute for an Expert’s Eye

If you’re like most people, you can spot a commercial shot by a local business from a mile away. The sound quality is lacking, the lighting is all wrong, and the whole thing just seems “off.” What kind of impression of their business does that leave you with? Does their amateur effort inspire feelings of trust? Are you motivated to find out more about them?

Now think about a marketing video put out by a large corporation. There’s no comparison, is there? So what’s the difference?

The difference, of course, is that one commercial is shot by an expert video production team who knows how to use equipment, lighting, and editing software to get polished results, and the other was shot by someone’s camcorder-wielding nephew.

When it comes to crafting a video that will establish your business as an industry expert, there’s just no substitute for an expert’s eye.

Good Equipment is Expensive

Sure, smartphone technology has come far. The camera on today’s smartphone is far superior to the camcorder of even five years ago. However, your smartphone’s camera is still limited by a fixed lens and built-in microphones. In other words, they’re fantastic for capturing your son’s piano recital, but they’re not going to produce a corporate video that you’ll be proud to share. Your computer’s editing software can help iron out some of the rough spots of your video, but you need a solid grasp on the finer points of video editing to make the most of the tools available. Once again, there’s no substitute for the knowledge and experience of an expert.

To achieve today’s standard of audio and visual quality, you’ll need to invest in thousands of dollars of professional equipment. And because video technology is constantly improving, that won’t be a one-time investment.

You’ll Save Time and Money by Turning to Experts

It may sound counter-intuitive, but when you take into account the expense of a hiring an in-house videographer and investing in all of that pricey equipment, not to mention the countless hours of shooting and editing your video, it’s unlikely that you’ve saved even a penny by attempting to produce the video yourself. You certainly won’t achieve the quality level that you’d receive from a video produced by an expert. By hiring a professional video team, you can ensure that your resources aren’t being wasted.

Video marketing is becoming increasingly popular, giving businesses an opportunity to make a memorable first impression. Whether you’re creating an explainer video, a promotional video, or a testimonial, make sure that first impression is a great one by hiring a professional video team.


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