Video for Business: The Culinary Industry

The world of culinary arts is where raw ingredients are transformed into awe-inspiring feats of gastronomical genius. Whether you’re a chef, restauranteur, a catering professional or represent a culinary institute, video can bring what you do every day to life for your audience. Learn how professional video is used to captivate your target audience and increase business outcomes.

Culinary Videos that Take the Cake

Between Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, culinary videos consistently capture attention, boost engagement and drive new business. According to a Buzzsumo study, food-related content received more views and engagement than other subjects, including animals and fashion. Here are a few of the most popular types of culinary video:

  • Recipe showcase. Creating food is a personal experience that can bring anyone together. Showcasing the creation of your business’ signature recipes or behind-the-scenes processes is a great way to engage viewers.
  • Promotional videos. Set the mood of your restaurant or invite your audience to explore what it’s like to learn from best-in-class chefs when you use video to communicate your business value.
  • Event highlights. Did representatives from your restaurant recently attend a conference? Is your catering business booked for a fancy wedding or publicized event? Is your class taking a trip abroad to learn about different cooking styles? Highlighting important events is an effective way to show off your skills and capture memories.

The Secret Sauce of Culinary Videos for Business

Video can pique a viewer’s interest, earn more likes and shares, and even lead to increased conversions, but production needs to be high quality. Back in 2016, Buzzfeed’s food-centered brand, Tasty, set a new record for video views in a month by surpassing 3 billion (yes, with a ‘B’) across platforms.

You might be wondering if they have a magic wand (they don’t). What they do have is an audience that stays engaged with their videos which feature top notch production and consistent quality. Here is the secret to all those views:

  • On-brand content. Each video published includes signature branded frames and is developed to stay true to the brand’s story.
  • Varying lengths. Tasty’s videos are edited to meet the norms for each publishing platform, which essentially means one video can be repurposed to reach more people.
  • Quality production. The brand’s production team uses top-of-the-line equipment and employs skilled videographers who understand the nuances of lighting, shadows and angles.

By partnering with a professional video production company, your business benefits from creating unique content that reaches your target audience online and on television.


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