Video for Business: The Law Firm

When it comes to advertising, video is a powerful tool. It instantly engages the audience through multiple senses, increasing the likelihood that viewers will follow up on the advertising to learn more about the business it represents. Businesses in every industry can benefit from intelligent use of video in their media profile. The following are the keys for success to law firms using video to grow their business.

Introduce Your Attorneys

Trust is the key to any attorney-client relationship. Clients have to trust that you fully understand the laws pertinent to their case. They have to trust that you will represent their specific interests. Creating this trust usually requires at least one face-to-face meeting.

It is possible, though, to speed up that process with video introductions. While it isn’t an actual personal interaction, videos introductions create a better first impression than just a picture and some text. Video introductions offer an opportunity for your attorneys to show off their knowledge of the law, explain how they work in their own words, and start to build a connection with potential clients.

Create Advice Videos

A little bit of free advice today can pay off big in the future. Most attorneys know this, which is why most attorneys offer free initial consultations.

Converting this concept to video is easy. Create short videos that offer basic advice for how to act in common legal situations. You obviously can’t provide details specific to individuals, but you can provide advice that helps potential clients avoid making mistakes before they contact a lawyer, or maybe help them create the type of records that will make legal work less onerous for everyone involved.

The best way to share these videos is by uploading them to YouTube and then posting them on your web page and on any social media sites your business uses. In order to fully benefit from this, you should be posting new videos once or twice a week. New content maintains engagement, which is important for maintaining clients. After videos are roughly a month or so old, you will want to include them in an archive library that ensures clients can easily watch them any time they want.

Link Between Video and Other Media

Linking to videos on social media and websites is easy. You just need to include a direct or embedded link to the video. But, if you really want your videos to best support your law firm, you need to expand on this. You should be referencing or linking to videos at every opportunity. Link to them in e-mails sent to clients. Reference them in mass mailing print advertising. Even reference them on billboards if you advertise that way.

Similarly, your videos should reference other types of media as well. Mention your website or social media accounts in the videos. If you have a physical newsletter of some sort, let people know how to subscribe in your videos. This sort of cross-media referencing really complements your overall advertising approach.


Video, when used wisely, is a tool that helps grow your law firm. By creating professional, informative videos, that include a modest amount of cross-media promotion, you can engage your clientele in a way that strengthens your business greatly.


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