Why a Video is Better to Give out Safety Tips

Ever wondered why people are so obsessed with making videos and posting them online? Well, there are many reasons behind this popular trend, all thanks to YouTube. This makes videos the most suitable tool for sharing safety tips with the consumers. The fact that many people are spending a significant time surfing the internet nowadays also contributes greatly to the success of videos. Here are more reasons that make videos better to give out safety tips:

Firstly, videos are relatively cheap as compared to advertising on traditional media like television. This is a relief to most businesses considering that when the internet became open to the public, only a few companies had the privilege of advertising only. The cost of advertising was also enormous and only a few companies could afford it. But nowadays, posting a video is free. Hence, you only have to decide which safety tips you are going to share with the public, shoot a video and upload it at no extra cost. Notably, research indicates that consumers are more likely to respond to online video than image advertisements. Therefore, every business should capitalize on making as many videos as possible to save on advertising costs and realize better returns.

Secondly, a video enables a business to communicate with customers at an emotional level. This is because a video combines visual effects and audio on the internet which creates a memorable experience for viewers and has a greater impact on them. It also relies on storytelling that resonates well with consumers. On the other hand, the person uploading the video gets an opportunity to express themselves and receive feedback from viewers. This way, they can incorporate new suggestions from the audience into the video or correct where they had erred. In the end, this sharing of information will have benefited both parties involved.

Thirdly, using a video also enables your safety tips to reach more people through a wide circulation of the video. 42% of people who view videos access them by either using a search engine like Google or following a link in their emails and social media platforms. This means that your safety tips will impact on many people. Hence, the tips will serve the purpose that you intended them to in the beginning. You can also generate sales through using a call to action at the end of your video as well as showcase your brand.

Fourthly, videos are most effective when it comes to sharing safety tips information because they are consistently available. Anyone with a computer or mobile devices and internet connection can easily access the video anytime they want to. The person who has uploaded the video can also adjust the information in the video almost instantly.

Lastly, you can take advantage of the existence of the more interactive Web 2.0 that consists of podcasts, web syndication, blogs, wikis, RRs feeds and social networks among others. These have revolutionized the internet by making it more about communities and sharing as opposed to what it used to be in the past when it entailed ownership and big companies. This phenomenon has made it possible for anybody to become an internet celebrity as long as their video is of a high quality and it adds value to viewers.


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