Why Video is a MUST for Your Brand

Traditional marketing and written social media posts can only take your brand so far online. If you really want to resonate with your customers, you need video. Whether short or long, live or scripted, video is king online.

If contemplating video’s ability to produce positive ROI, don’t fret for another minute. Branded video is among the most valuable assets you can have. Here’s why your brand needs video now.

Video is the Preferred Media Type Online

More than one billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every day, according to Brandwatch, and video is the most engaging type of content on the web. It receives more shares and likes than written content or images and has the power to entertain, uplift and communicate like no other form of media.

It Doesn’t (Have to) Take a Village

With video, your brand can start with a smaller budget and build up the production value once you begin to see ROI. Too many brands make the mistake of thinking that “doing video right” requires Hollywood-level equipment and scores of staff members. Consider this: One of the highest-earning channels on YouTube is by a 7-year old who reviews toys in his house. It doesn’t have to take a village to create great video.

Forge an Emotional Connection with Customers

If you’ve ever seen a Hallmark or Dove commercial, you know just how powerful video can be when it comes to connecting to your customers. It’s a great medium to use when you want to show off your brand’s human side and appeal to your audience emotionally. Take this Dove video “Real Beauty” for example. Millions of men and women (68 million, according to the current view count) were inspired by this video since 2013.

Showcase Your Brand’s Creativity

Video opens up a world of creativity that can be utilized by your brand to everything from product promotion to communicating company values. Use video to craft scripted skits, air live events and conferences, or document your brand’s community service efforts.

Tie Video to Different Audience Segments

When created with purpose, video can be used to target different audience demographics at various points along the sales funnel. For example, your branded video documenting the good work your company is doing in the community may help retain existing customers while showcasing your presence at an industry conference can boost your brand’s position as an expert when viewed by new leads.

Video Can Take Your Brand to New Heights

Regardless of your current budget or market share, video can take your brand to new and exciting levels. Whether you plan to release traditional marketing videos on television or are going a digital-only route, you can expect increased ROI from your efforts when you create and promote branded video.


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