It’s critical to have the right equipment when recording or producing music so that you can accurately capture what you’re doing. Studio headphones will let you hear with precision the sounds that are being recorded. As a result, any flaws that a standard headset would miss can be captured.
When shopping for studio headphones, you’ll come across different types of headphones. Here’s everything you need to know about each headphone type before choosing what studio headphones to buy.
Closed headphones
These types of headphones block the sound from the outside perfectly, which is great for mastering and mixing. You’ll be able to hear every detail of the music that you are listening to, without any surrounding sounds disrupting it. They are also great if you don’t want the sound to disturb others.
Semi-open headphones
Semi-open headphones allow sound leakages while listening to music. They are ideal if you want to perform while recording as they let the singer hear their real voice and the ambient music as well.
Open headphones
Open headphones are also used for mixing and mastering because they help to avoid build-up of certain frequencies, unlike closed headphones. They also give a more accurate sound, similar to listening to music with speakers.
Ultimately, studio headphones of any kind are suggested for precise sound reproduction. However, there is not a perfect pair of headphones for every situation. It all comes down to what the user prefers in terms of sound while producing music.