Win at Video Marketing with these 5 Simple Strategies

Video marketing should be a part of your business’s strategy. By 2021, as much as 82 percent of all internet traffic will go towards video – according to Cisco. Considering this, any business that does not invest in video could be left behind. The question is, how do you incorporate video into your marketing efforts in a way that is going to achieve success? Here are several strategies to help you get started.

#1: Make It Mobile Friendly

One of the most important steps in the process is ensuring the video you create are capable of being viewed properly on mobile devices. Because most people use a smartphone to browse the internet, this is where your content is most likely to be viewed. It’s important to consider where they will be viewed, too, such as on Snapchat and Instagram. Shorter videos are ideal for these formats.

#2: Make Your Videos Stories

It is also important to ensure that the videos you create are telling some type of story. Instead of an ad, make them provide some bit of information through a story format, the most effective way for you to reach your audience. It’s also the only want to get the true emotional connection you need.

#3: Offer Value

Video should not just be made to be funny or strange. It needs to be valuable. Your audience wants to know that there is some point or benefit to them for using this video. If the video is simply basic information, it does not relate to them well enough. That can limit your success with the video. Instead, make it beneficial to them. What do they need to learn or want to learn?

#4: Create a Plan

You also need a plan for your video marketing efforts. There is the need to develop several formats of video with numerous points to it. You want each component of your video marketing efforts to provide the right type of information based on where your customers are in the sales journey. Videos need to be used through your email subscribers, but also for YouTube channel views, social media, and your website.

#5: Share and Grow

Video marketing is like any other form of marketing today. You need to work with others to get it in front of people. To do that, it is important to use influencers, or people who have a large audience of customers.

When you are considering your video marketing efforts, remember the importance of developing customer-centric videos that tell a story and engage with your audience.


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