15 Ways to Spice Up Your Sales Videos

Do you need to create more interesting sales videos? Perhaps you are not getting the results you want and need? These 15 tips can help you to get some new creative videos in the works for your company.

#1: Use Filters

It’s a fun thing the kids are doing. It’s also something that can be perfect for you to create an interesting look across your social media videos.

#2: Get Personal with Videos

Use your customer’s name in them. Doing this could help to boost the number of views your video gets by as much as three times. Say hello in your videos to key customers.

#3: Incorporate Music

It may not be as hard as you think to have some fun with this. Add some music to get people talking.

#4: Use a Fun Prop

Think outside of the box here. Even a plush animal can work well. The goal is to get people paying attention.

#5: Use a Pro

You can also use a camera person to help you with your videos so they can zoom in and out. Or, let a professional handle the video creation for you.

#6: Shock Them with a Performance

You may find that dragging out your theater experience could be just what you need to do to get people talking.

#7: Narrate Your Video

Instead of letting someone else do it, do it yourself. This is a fantastic way to get people to commit to your video.

#8: Use Lighting – Right

Lighting is a big turn off when you are not using it properly. Yet it does not have to be a hard aspect to master.

#9: Incorporate Humor

Every sales video can benefit from getting the audience to chuckle. Do something to make them laugh, even if just a little.

#10: Be Personable

Let your sales attitude come to life with a bit of personality. It’s always a good idea to let people see the real you!

#11: Use a Parody

If there’s a theme you love, use it here. You can copy off of movies or other companies, too.

#12: Smile in Your Videos

Sounds simple, right? Yet, it is a common problem!

#13: Incorporate Your Brand

Your brand is a big deal and something that needs to be a part of every video you do.

#14: Be Authentic

There’s no need for the gimmicks. Be real with your customers.

#15: Do an Interview

Interview a customer or anyone else who may seem interesting to you! Your customers will love it.

It’s easy to be creative in your videos. What options are right for you?


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