Revamp your B2B Social Media with Animated Video

It’s shared more than any other type of content on social media and receives more engagement than text-only posts. What are we talking about? Video, of course. According to Content Marketing Institute’s 2019 Benchmark report, 64% of B2B brands are doubling down on video production and distribution across channels when compared to the previous year’s results. Why? Because video gets results.

Discover how you can use video across your social media properties to increase awareness, educate and convert leads into loyal customers.

What the F8 is Facebook Doing?

This year’s F8 conference announced some important changes for platforms like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Zuckerberg and his teams plan to make social media more private in the sense that community and relationships will take center stage. This means brands will be showcased less in news feeds than ever before as group pages and personal connections are given priority.

Facebook Marketplace is also getting more robust as buyers will be able to make purchases directly on the platform and sellers can get paid securely with the potential to increase revenue. Adapt your social media video marketing strategy to take advantage of these important updates.

B2B Animated Video Strategies

Let’s face it: The B2B audience doesn’t quite operate the same way the B2C audience does. That means you’ll need to realign your expectations and get a little more creative before you’ll hit the ROI you’re looking for with social media video. But, many brands are doing video well on social media. Let’s look at a few ways animated video can help your brand engage with businesses and convert followers into clients:

  • Animated GIFs. Bite-sized content that only takes a few seconds to view, GIFs are easy ways to communicate a simple idea or message without an elevator pitch (or large budget).
  • Educating content. Combine valuable information with an entertaining delivery and you’ve got an animated video your audience will enjoy watching and sharing. You can use this type of video to share industry expertise, establish your brand as a thought leader or tackle complex problems your viewer may be facing in their day-to-day business.
  • Animated ads. If your social media strategy includes paid ads, use animated video to make them more eye-catching and engaging than your standard text ad or video pitch.

The Takeaway

If you’re not using every opportunity to entertain and engage current or potential clients on social media, they’re missing the value of your brand. Social media algorithms simply aren’t playing nice with brands that rely on text-only posts, static ads or shared content. Use these animated video ideas to transform your social media marketing strategy into an ROI-boosting endeavour.


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