The Possibility of Interactive Video

Pushing Video to the Next Level

There are many ways you can enhance the way video is used, but new technology is making it possible to do much more than what most would expect. For example, with machine learning and artificial intelligence, it could link any person to any location within a video in a short period of time. This may allow for the video to be experiential and immersive, far more so than it has been. Consumers would then be able to go deeper, really learning and interacting within a simple video. In some cases, this could including shopping opportunities, but consider what could be if that video could embrace a true experience.

Another key benefit of this would be providing brands with the ability to learn more about their video’s viewers. Who are they and what are they encouraged by or interested in? You can see, even scene-by-scene, what consumers find as interesting and what they engage with within your video. This would allow you, as a brand, to create more personal images and messages that could capture that individual’s interests at a higher level. Imagine the interaction that could happen here. Then, consider what type of impression this would create on the consumer.

What Does This Mean for You?

When working on video for your next promotion or campaign, consider the benefits of going deeper and doing more. It is possible to link to artificial intelligence and machine learning tools that could enhance the way your customers can embrace the video.

Evolving video to the next level, away from the simple, linear type of content that we’ve seen so commonly on television commercials our entire lives, and creating more interactive and one-on-one experiences could change the way you are able to reach your customers and interact with them. It may even enhance the way those customers think of your company in the long term.


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