2017’s Top 3 Video Marketing Trends

The Biggest Video Marketing Trends of 2017: Are You Ready?

The utilization of video in social media has grown to incredible numbers. In fact, customers have come to expect video content as a part of their engagement and connection with their favorite brands. Video consumption has grown significantly over the last few years as a result of mobile technology improvements and overall access. Video isn’t new, but it is growing in terms of how much value and importance it offers to the customer.

Not Sure You Need Video?

Think again. The fact is, video is everywhere in the marketing process and growing rapidly. These trends show it:

  • Did you know that 80 percent of online video viewers have interacted with a video ad at least one time in the previous month?
  • More than 33 percent of online activity – all of it – has to do with watching videos.
  • And, 76 percent of professionals watch videos as a part of their business at least one time a week.
  • The average person watches more than 33 videos, on average, each month.
  • Perhaps most important, 38 percent of video watchers view the ads as credible – and that directly impacts their buying decision.

So, What Will 2017 Bring?

Video will be an important part of any marketing plan for 2017. Among the various ways video content will make a difference includes the following:

Facebook Video Will Grow in Demand

Facebook continues to be the strongest social media platform for marketing. Mark Zuckerberg, head of the company, has said that video, including Facebook Live, will be the main focus of the site and will be where the company focuses its resources. Video increases the number of people that share and talk about products.

Live Video Across All Platforms Will Dominate

Many of the social media sites – including Facebook, Twitter, and Snap – are focusing efforts on live video. Interacting one-on-one with fans and prospective customers is very important and highly effective when done in this format. One survey found that 85 percent of the people that use Twitter watch videos each day. Keep in mind that interaction through live video is likely to grow at a fast rate for all businesses across all platforms.

Sales Professionals Will Need to Focus on Video

Video offers a number of benefits:

  • It is easy to digest information, even complex information.
  • People like videos better than reading content.
  • People that see how a product works are more likely to buy it.
  • Customers can embrace and learn about a company long before buying from them.
  • People prefer learning technical topics – even product manuals – when it is in video format.

For all of these reasons, it has become increasingly important for companies to invest in video as a key component of their sales process. It should not just be a marketing tool to draw in people, but also to close the sale and to educate customers about companies, products, and services more fully.

When it comes to business plans and marketing plans for 2017, a focus on video is very important. In fact, video marketing should be the place most companies put most of their marketing dollars simply because it will be the differentiating factor when it comes down to where a customer spends money. Without a strong video focus, companies will struggle to capture their customer.


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