Tips for Providing Great Customer Service through Video

Can the use of video help you improve the level and quality of service you offer to your customers? In many ways, video can provide better information, improved engagement, and a more dedicated approach to meeting your customers’ needs. Video can fit into all types of businesses and in various sectors of your business. It can work to build your brand as a component of marketing or work to educate customers how to use a product. Take a look at a few easy ways that you can incorporate video into your business and see outstanding improvement in your customer service.

Use It for Product Demonstrations

One of the most important challenges businesses need to overcome when working with customers is teaching the customer how to use a product to achieve the desired outcome. Video can be far more effective at conveying your information and message than the use of any step-by-step set of instructions. They work as evergreen content for your website or blog. You can use them to explain information and demonstrate exactly how a product solves a problem.

Create Marketing Funnels

Are your customers coming to you through social media or chat features to ask questions? This is a growing trend today. How many of those questions are the same or could be answered in a single video? The creation of a video in this case can not only open the door to better customer service – your customers don’t have to ask if they can already see what the answer is – but it also can improve the amount of time you are spending answering those questions.

Providing a video that explains the details of your product or the invoice a customer receives is a proactive step in reaching your customers. Then, you can use this information to make key marketing decisions and, even before your customer becomes a buyer, help that person to gain confidence in your product and service so they end up working with you.

How-To Videos

How-to videos are one of the most common types of videos used and sought after online. They demonstrate more than just a product, but how to use it. For example, let’s say you want to sell your product but you want to engage a new group of people. Create a few how-to videos geared towards various market segments that demonstrate the many ways your product can be used. By doing this, you are building trust and offering ideas people may not have thought about. You can share these videos on multiple social media channels, with people who have already purchased from you, and even through tech support for when your team receives questions and calls.

The use of video for marketing is easy to see, but it’s also important to use video to achieve other results as well. When you can pull together video that answers their questions and provides specific guidance to your customers, you can help your customers to gain greater insight and acceptance of your company, your brand, and your product. Most importantly, good customer service creates positive word of mouth marketing and return customers. All of this can be accomplished with the use of well designed and on target videos. How can you improve your customer service through the use of video


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