4 Simple Social Media Videos Any Business Can Make

Are you looking for a few new ways to add content and interest to your social media pages? Video is the right medium, but what message can or should you use? It really comes down to your goals and needs, but sometimes, having a topic is not as easy as it sounds. New ideas can be challenging. Here are some of the best ways to jumpstart your video efforts on all of your social channels.

#1: Answer a Question

You get them from all of your social media accounts. Questions can be frustrating because you have to answer them individually. But, if you post a short video answering the most common questions, you solve that problem. And, you are providing your guests with outstanding information and insight as well. This is ideal for Facebook or Twitter questions, for example.

#2: Use a show-and-tell style message

On social media channels like Instagram, video and imagery are essential. You can get it right with a few important pieces. A show-and-tell type of video, one that allows you to share a behind the scene look or just provide insight into the company’s culture, methods, or services, is a good place to start. A good reason to do this is to ensure you are providing a real, authentic version of your company to your visitors.

#3: Showcase a product or service

Let’s not forget that a component of your social media efforts can and should be info about the products and services you offer. One way to do this, without being overly salesy, is to use your Facebook or LinkedIn pages to really dive deep into the product or service you offer. Break open the shell, so to speak, to share insight and information with your clients.

#4: Invite People to an Event

Facebook and LinkedIn are great social media platforms for launching and communicating about your upcoming event. Use a video to showcase what those who attend can expect. You will also want to invest wisely in some marketing here about the benefits offered. Get people excited.

Each of these methods can help you to reach your audience in an authentic manner. Video just helps to make sure the information comes across in the most effective manner possible.


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