Town hall meetings

Nowadays, in many organizations the town hall meetings have become an integral part of the communications tactic. The organizations town hall is a monthly, quarterly or annual meeting, attended by all employees that allow the management to present organizations goals, recognition, and awards; planning sessions, and offer inspiration for the future work.

Town hall meetings use live broadcast for the event, and make it accessible on demand for employees who were not able to attend the event in real time.

It is evident that even large organizations have benefited significantly by using video for their internal communications functions. Video has a personal quality that permits even giant organizations to experience a neighborly feel, which without video can be a great test as they grow.

Whichever the way you use it, the point is clear, video has become the primary the tool for transparent communication.

Emergency and crisis communications

In almost all forms of communication, videos and images attract and convince viewers more effectively than plain text. Emergency and Crisis communications are no different.

Nothing tests your company’s internal communications ability more than an emergency. Naturally, a crisis occurs at the things that you value most – your company’s reputation and your client relations. A crisis occurs at times when least expected. Internal effective communication is one of the keys to trimming down the devastating result of a crisis and to capitalize on any opportunity that it may present.

You need fast and understandable communication platform, in order to effectively communicate with all employees eliminate the crisis. This is achievable through the utilization of short and precise films.

HR Benefits videos

Video conferencing is an excellent communication channel that the human resource department can utilize to attract, maintain, and acquaint itself with employees. Organizations that make use of the right video conferencing tools as part of their general communication tools achieve an almost immediate business result.

For a successful HR video deployment, collaborate with the IT department to ensure the solution is secure, reliable, and set to develop with your organization.

Some essential aspects to observe when making video communications is to keep them informative and short. When videos go beyond three minutes, they are likely to lose the interest of your audience.

Employee on-boarding

Orientation videos are not meant for existing employees to familiarize themselves with office newbie’s. It is also helpful on the reverse. Giving new employees to access to videos prior to their first day aids your new team members to get familiar with the people that they will work with and get a feel of the organization’s culture.

Employee on-boarding begins before the first day. Every organization should consider minimizing the downtime experienced by new hires by sending them company videos prior to their first day at work.

The use of internal corporate videos has enabled cutting-edge organizations to convey engaging, effectual on-boarding programs at scale without spending a lot of money.

Use of video for internal corporate communications is still fresh; however, the Internet and technology are facilitating the creation and sharing of videos by a mere click.


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