How Brands Can Take Advantage of Instagram Stories

Have you heard about Instagram Stories? Instagram is well known as the site for photos shared among friends and followers. Generally, the site is a fantastic place for brands because it allows for a fast and easy way to connect with followers in a very effective way – with visuals. Stories takes things to a new level. As a brand, you’ll want to include Stories in your online marketing efforts.

What Are Instagram Stories?

This feature allows users of the site to share multiple photos or multiple videos that they’ve created in a single album or in a slideshow format. The images together help to tell a story. Like most of the content on Instagram, it does not stay long. In fact, content in Stories is gone within 24 hours of posting it.

What Are the Benefits of Using This Social Media Tool?

Why should you use this new medium, which is a lot like Snapchat’s Stories feature? It’s an effective way of reaching your audience and offers a number of benefits:

Upload More in One Shot

One of the key benefits of using Stories is that it allows you to upload content and marketing in a single story rather than through individual posts. You get to give your followers more than just one image. They now get a set of images that can really pull together a thought, a campaign message, or a brand’s advertisements.

Be More Creative

You can also be very creative with Instagram Stories. Like other posts on Instagram, you can use the draw tools and text tools to personalize the content on the site. But, along with this, the entire format allows for more creativity. You can really let your brand’s image and overall style come out. This is a fantastic way to build a brand image because it gives you more room to create a brand-specific display.

Get Your Brand in Front of Your Viewers Easier

And, they rank better and faster in the Instagram app. Your followers are likely to see your posted Stories much easier than they see a single post. That’s because Instagram uses a colored ring around your Instagram profile photo located in the Story bar. That ring of color really helps to get the attention of those who you want to click on it and learn what you have to offer. Of course, you’ll need to deliver something interesting to keep them looking!

It’s Engaging

Finally, another key advantage of Instagram stories is that it is an effective way to remain in front of your users. Not only are you able to get your posts in front of more people with this tool, but you are also more likely to engage with them. They’ll click, share, and comment. And, in many cases, this format allows you to provide more information that can produce the response you want (buy, for example, your product). Whereas traditionally Instagram is a single post-and-go social media app, this component takes things further and gives you more room to connect with your follower.

Instagram Stories is one of the many platforms that offers a video connection. That’s important today because we know consumers respond to video far more effectively than any other form of media. Is your brand making good use of this highly important tool?


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