Video for Business: eLearning

Many people today see the value in turning to e-learning, the process of taking courses online to learn everything. The good news is that online courses can be a very successful way for you to connect with your audience as well. Online learning has to be engaging and enriching, but it also needs to be visual. Video is perhaps the most important component of your success here. If you are a business hoping to engage others through e-learning, you simply must have a well-designed video to make it possible. Here’s how to create that.

Zero in on a Specific Topic

Your first goal is to pick a topic. It is never a good idea to simply pull content from your blog and put it into an online course format. Instead, you’ll want to first determine who you are reaching. Then, you need to determine what those people need to take action. Spend some time on market research so you know what topics they are most interested in that you can offer. Once you know what your audience wants and craves, you can address is and draw in traffic to your website from offering a comprehensive view of that topic.

Determine the Goal of Your Course

Some businesses use online courses as a tool to build their brand. You’re the most knowledgeable in your field and that becomes clear through these programs. But, there are other ways to use your content. For example, you may wish to use it to generate leads for the company. If you plan to use your course to generate leads, use a contact form to gather those leads before you allow users to access. Another option is to sell your product. If that is the case, a paywall may help to provide you with a way to generate income from access to your content.

Create a Definitive Course

Now that you have some goals, you can begin to put together your e-learning course. It helps to start with the specific components that will define its success – such as what you can offer that others do not. Be sure that you offer insight and information that is not otherwise easily available. Here are some tips for making the best possible course:

  • You don’t need a lot of time. Videos that are shorter will be watched through to the end. Longer videos tend to be limitedly beneficial. Your goal should be to aim for 5 to 7 minutes of content.
  • Have a very clear message for each video. But, make sure that there is just one message. If you have multiple topics to talk about, spread this out over several videos.
  • Be yourself, be personable, and be engaging. E-learning courses work best for a company when the individual watching the course can gather information from a real person. They can put a name to your business.

You’ll want to ensure quality is always present when it comes to creating a video. This is, after all, the first impression your potential customers will have of your business.


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