Are You the Star of Your Company Video? Here’s How to Look Great on Camera

Are you ready for your starring role in your company’s video? While actors make it seem easy enough, it can actually be a bit more challenging than you think to get the right look and feel. And, since you are going to play a role in just how successful this video is, you really do want to polish up on a few things to ensure you really are giving your best performance.

Anyone that is going to be creating a video for their company or other effort and starring in it, needs to take a few steps to ensure the look and feel of the video matches the company’s specific need. So, how do you do that.

What Are You Wearing?

What you wear on a shoot depends on a few things. First, you want to give the right image. If this is a formal video that will be displayed on your company’s website where professionalism is expected, you need that suit and tie. On the other hand, your clothing really should relate to feeling you want to convey. For example, a t-shirt is a fantastic way to create an image of “everyday life.” Are you wearing comfortable clothes that helps others relax?

Next, How About Makeup?

Let’s be frank here. Most people today relate better to those who have makeup that’s less obvious. Unless you want to look like you are wearing makeup, it’s better to keep things a bit more simple. Putting on makeup just for a video really can create a layer of unfamiliarity if you don’t always wear it. You want to be relatable, after all.

Lighting and Camera Location – It Matters

Consider the positioning of the camera and the amount and type of lighting for your photo shoot when setting up the stage. Here are some simple rules:

  • Are you working with someone that’s tall? Keep the lens just above their eyeline.
  • Using a webcam? Raise the laptop up off the table and position the camera lower to create a better look.
  • Get rid of any harsh shadows from the lighting.
  • When you want all of the focus on the subject of the video, keep the light on the subject nd allow the rest of the space to fade away.
  • What’s in the background matters, too. The wrong or too-busy background takes away from the subject. Let it set the stage of the content instead.

Your Performance Matters

It all comes down to your performance. Are you smiling, with bright eyes and a friendly disposition? Or, you are tucking your shoulders inward and looking down? This conveys a great deal to the viewer. In most cases, you want to ensure that you are creating a welcoming, positive experience. This may be a good time to talk about body language and to determine how you can stand and look to create a trusting, welcoming look.

Take a deep breath. It may seem like a cliché thing to say, but there’s one thing that always makes a difference – just be yourself.


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