Choosing the Right Style of Animation for Explainer Videos

Could animation change the way you market to your audience? Animation is a type of video production method that can make a big splash on any marketing campaign. It can work in a variety of ways, but one of the most effective uses for it is in explainer videos. These videos are those that break down complex topics and bits of information to make them more accessible and easier to understand. When you do this through animation, you can often see a better level of interest from your viewer and that translates into a better understanding of your topic.

But, there’s a question you have to answer here. What type of animation is best suited for the type of explainer video you hope to create? There are several options available to you, each with benefits to offer. Depending on the way you plan to use your videos as well as the audience and content, you’ll be able to choose the format that makes the most sense for your individual needs. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the options available.

2D Character Animation: In this form, the images are flat and the animation is basic. The animations can move left and right and up and down, but that’s about it. This is the traditional, old-school cartoon drawn by hand. They work very well for basic explainer videos.

2D Motion Animation: Another level that moves a bit further out is 2D motion. This is not 3D level motion, but it still allows for the designer to create motion that’s more elaborate and realistic.

3D Animation: For a more realistic look, consider 3D animation. It creates a true real-world view that makes the background look as though it is behind the animation itself. This can help to make the video more realistic because you can use advanced design techniques and even props.

Whiteboard Animation: The use of whiteboard animation is more unique in that it offers real-time presence. The viewer is able to follow the video from beginning to end to ensure that the message is fully received. This type of animation is best for those who are looking to create a sales presentation.

Stop Motion Videos: Another type of video format that can work well for explainer videos is stop motion. In it, a number of photos are used and then pulled together during the editing process. This type of video is more basic in terms of how it is built, but it takes time to create. It is interesting enough to pull in your users.

Screencast Videos: Yet another option uses screencasting software. With it, it is possible to create animation that’s performing various actions. You can also bring in other video clips and create a streamlined single video.

With so many options available, it can be a bit overwhelming to know which is right for the type of video you are hoping to create. Don’t worry. When you work with a professional video production company, they can help you find the best use of animation for your particular goals.


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