Emerging Video Technology

Where are we headed? Let’s see; to even better ways in the digital world as we mover closer and closer to the real tech-world where new next-generation videos come up. The future of video seems bright as video technology is amongst the few dynamic and constantly advancing forms of current emerging technologies. Lets expound on the benefits of emerging video technology while at the same time explore on a few disadvantages that come along with them.

New developments in the video field include the introduction of the flash video, the new Blu-ray and HD DVD video storage formats and high definition televisions developed by different brands.

Benefits of Emerging Video Technology

Unlike analog video technology the emerging video technology creates better high quality graphical images and sounds over various platforms. Videos have in a way been modified and created to allow streaming in practically any device. New developments as high-definition televisions (HDTV) and DVDs make this possible. The latest video technology, as compared to traditional ones, allows for total control of your viewing schedule and additionally, they make video viewing more flexible. Emerging video technology also provides room for more choices in programming and they are easily accessible to everyone provide they have basic skills on how to use them.

The internet has also made it more beneficial for emerging video technology as it offers easier platforms to preview and share videos across networks and to millions of viewers through YouTube and social media other social media sites. Video technology works with mobile devices to make it possible for viewers to watch videos anywhere, anytime.

Disadvantages of Emerging Video Technology

With all the changes that take place, definitely all these would come at a price worth the effort. This makes access and acquiring the latest devices in video technology more expensive compared to the analog devices. The more we move to this new era, the more prices they will incur. However, on a positive note, with competition in the world market and different brands making almost similar devices, they may come at fair comparable prices that anyone can easily access within their budgets.

For anyone who has no basic knowledge on how to operate these state of the art machines, definitely they will not be able to use and enjoy them. They require at least basic knowledge to use and operate hence those not yet ready or willing to embrace technology as it comes, would be laid back with the traditional ones. The service cost of these emerging video technologies is also surprisingly higher than all the other traditional analog technology.


As much as emerging video technology benefits everyone during these digital times, they may require you to spend a little more to be able to enjoy them. However, this should be looked at on a more positive way as all the advantages that come along with them. Listed above are a few pros and cons of emerging technologies along with the benefits you would get by embracing them.


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