Framing the Shot

Framing photos is done to draw attention to the most favorite photos. Framing places the subject of the photo strategically in relation to other objects of the shot taken. There are various kinds of framing available. The most effective framing technique should draw attention to the subject of the image. Additionally, the technique should block other parts of the image that are not pivotal using something else in the scene. There are many benefits associated with framing the images.

The main benefits of framing include:

Frames give the photo on which they are used a context. For instance, when an archway scene is framed it tells the general setting of the surroundings. Some plants in the foreground will convey the information that the shot was taken somewhere out in nature. Therefore, framing should be done carefully to make sure that the photo does not lose its main context.

Framing is also important in giving images a sense of depth and layers. Framing is useful in bringing objects to the foreground. Also framing arranges the objects into three categories: foreground, middle ground and background. This arrangement gives an extra to the shot taken.

Framing the shot is also important because it leads the eye of the viewer to the main focal point of the image taken. There are many different kinds and shapes of frames. Some of these shapes have the capability to draw the attention of the viewer into the picture. Also, it has been proven that some of the shapes not only draw the eye to the image but they keep it there for a while longer. The frames are thus functional in acting as barriers between the main subject of the shot and the exterior world.

Frames also bring out an intriguing aspect of the image to the viewer. Many times, what viewers cannot see in a shot but perceive that it is there tends to attract them to the image. Clever framing can make the viewers to wonder a little or imagine what is concealed behind the frame. Thus, as they try to decipher the available objects in view, they are able to fully analyze the shot effectively.

Framing of shots taken come in various shapes and sizes. Each shot should be effectively scrutinized to make sure that the correct and most effective framing design is chosen. The frames do not need to go around the edges of the image completely. They may cover just one or two of the edges. Before framing an image, one should first ask themselves whether the frame will add or take away some value from the image.
In some cases where the wrong frame is chosen, it may clutter or make the original shot take look crowded. However, in some cases, a well selected frame can convert an ordinary shot into a stunning and magnificent shot. Also, when choosing a frame, one needs to consider whether they want their frame to be in focus or not. In some instances, a blurred frame adds a sense of depth and mood to the shot. In other cases a focused frame adds context to the shot.


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