Camera and Editing Services

Need just a HD shooter or editor? Our field production team shoots for broadcasters and filmmakers all over North America and around the globe. Our editors can breathe life into your video content. We can help anyone who wants to get a message out professionally, but lacks the necessary video skills.


Promoting Publications

A few publishers have begun to promote their books by means of interviews with the authors. The intention is to promote sales. However, authors are often not the best salespeople for their own work. Even when they are as articulate and engaging in person as they are on the written page, the resulting videos may not do the publication credit. Publishers and authors should consider using camera and editing professionals from Kicker to achieve the marketing goals.

Let’s take the example of the peer-reviewed press. Reading a scholarly book represents a commitment in time, money, and energy. Whether the potential reader is another academic or a layperson, they want to choose the book that addresses their interests and concerns. Videos are a great way for scholars to appeal to their potential readers. What is the subject matter? What is the thesis? How will reading the book inform and enrich the reader. Skillful editors can help to present the material that a professional camera operator has filmed in an engaging way. The right images, drawn from the book material, can whet the appetite of the potential readers. Many publishers are just discovering the potential. And, the same logic works for all literary forms. Kicker can help add the professional touch that the publication merits.


Special Events

When you want to remember a special event, you should consider hiring our field production team to film and our editors to put your video together professionally. The same is true at an institutional level. Perhaps you want to record a lecture, a presentation, a performance, or a sporting event. For a small investment, your sporting club or educational institution can consider capturing the event for posterity. Let’s consider just one practical case.


Remembering a Most Special Day

Weddings are notoriously complex to plan. Wedding photographers play an important role in documenting the day. Good ones have the skills to communicate not only images, but the feeling of the ceremony. Of course, much is crammed into a wedding day: not only the activities, but the emotions.  By trusting our professional camera operators, unobtrusive but omnipresent, to capture the day, you will have quality footage to work with. Our editors have the skills to create a story line from the footage that will engage people for decades to come. Wedding videos are a favourite on the video sharing sites and frequently go viral. Whether or not that appeals to you, you can be sure that the video will look as good as you do on the special day.


You want to record a special day or event? You want to market your product or service? However, your skills lay in fields other than camera and editing work? Call Kicker to discuss how we can offer a professional touch to your project at very affordable prices.


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