How to Create a Successful Testimonial Video

When you’re shopping for a car, do you purchase one based on the color or how passionately the salesperson describes it? Of course not. You spend time talking to other car owners, reading reviews and perusing news articles until you find the best vehicle for your needs.

The Power Behind Testimonials

Just like you, customers do their research before choosing to engage with your brand. According to BrightLocal’s Local Consumer Review Survey 2017, customer reviews are more important than ever. A full 97% of consumers browsed online reviews for local businesses and 85% trust those reviews just as much as a personal recommendation.

A powerful testimonial video speaks volumes about your brand. You benefit from combining the power of word-of-mouth advertising with a marketable, brandable format. Learn how to create a successful testimonial video that draws prospects to your business.

Source Real Customers

The last thing you want to do is give the impression that you’ve hired talent to “play” satisfied customers in your video. It’s not authentic and immediately discredits any attempts to discuss your brand candidly. Find real customers that your brand has helped solve common problems. A good, quick and cost-effective way to do this is to send a survey to current customers via mail, email or social media.

Lead with Your Brand’s Benefits

Before your video showcases testimonials, establish why viewers should keep watching your video. What are the benefits to using your product or service? How can your business help solve a problem? Are there credible statistics that support why your product or service is needed? Persuade your viewers to continue watching to learn more about your brand’s real-world impact.

Use a Questionnaire

Maintain consistency when interviewing customers by using a questionnaire. You can always edit your video to highlight specific responses later, but an established list of open-ended questions will ensure the process is smooth. Think about the most important information you want to convey before creating your questionnaire. Possible questions may include:

  • What made you choose XYZ Company?
  • What problems or pain points were you seeking a solution for before contacting XYZ Company?
  • How did XYZ Company deliver results?
  • Why would you recommend XYZ Company to friends and family?
  • What stands out about your experience with XYZ Company?

Close with a Call to Action

Now that you’ve invested planning and resources into the creation of a stellar testimonial video, it’s important to include a call to action at the end. After all, what were the desired results of your efforts? Do you want customers to call you, schedule an appointment online or walk in for a consultation? Now isn’t the time to be shy. Let them know their next steps and how to complete them.

The Takeaway

A powerful testimonial video speaks to customers on a personal level by showcasing the results of real, human interaction with your brand. Satisfied customers transform into brand ambassadors on camera when they provide a personal account of their experience. Incorporate these simple tips into your production process to improve results.


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