How to Prepare for a Video Shoot

Shooting a video can be very exciting, but the process generally takes a lot of advance preparation. Coming up with a great idea, drafting a script, setting a scene, and deciding on a tone and an overall message can be very time-consuming, leading to a large creative commitment that must be executed precisely and properly. Prior to heading over to the set, there are many steps you must take to ensure a video shoot goes smoothly. Whether you’re in front of the camera or advising your team members from the sidelines, making sure everything is in place can be the difference between a successful shoot and a final product that misses the mark.

Know Your Lines

Even if memorization isn’t your strong suit and you’ll be using cue cards, being familiar with the script is very important. Being able to deliver your message clearly and cleanly in a natural way is a big part of a successful project, which means reading, reviewing, and practicing. Reading your lines to yourself in the mirror or out loud to a friend, going over things like the right tone and tempo and reviewing cues in the script, can be a great way to ensure your first takes go smoothly, keeping the shoot organized and on track.

Get a Feel for the Flow

Will you be the only one on camera? Are there other people in the video with you? Do you know what your responsibilities for the day of the shoot will be? By taking a look at the bigger picture, you can make sure you understand how things will unfold, allowing you to help keep the big day on track. A week or two before the shoot, review where you fit into the organizational process as well as what you need to do to keep the shoot on the right page in order to make sure your time when the cameras are rolling is spent appropriately.

Prepare the Night Before

The night before your video shoot, make sure you have everything organized to prevent any delays in filming. Have your outfit picked out and approved, go to bed early in order to ensure you get enough sleep, and set your alarm early enough to guarantee you’re ready to go when the shoot begins. Cameras can wash people out, so if necessary, prepare yourself with the necessary makeup and hairstyling products if you’re going to be on screen. Go over your details and responsibilities the night before, and try to relax as best you can during the big day.

Shooting a film, whether for internal distribution or to meet video marketing needs, can be a lot of fun, as well as serving as a way to provide a lot of value to your small business. In order to facilitate the process before the shoot begins, practice your lines thoroughly, review your role in the process, and make sure everything is organized the night before. By preparing properly for your video shoot, you can make sure every project is a smashing success.


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