The Case For Video Testimonials

A testimonial video uses an outside source to validate the effectiveness of a product or a service. Testimonial videos provide evidence that you are able to offer solutions to customer’s problems, underlining the benefits of someone forging a relationship with your business. You can use content marketing as a form to educate and attract visitors, but many will only focus on your agenda – to sell your product. An outside opinion will help build trust with your brand. To create an effective testimonial video that will reel in prospective clients, there are a few considerations that you must factor in before delving into video production.

Have Clear Expectations – And Script

Before you reach out to a customer for them to expand their experience with your product, you must set forth clear expectations. Many people are not comfortable being in front of the camera for an extended period of time. Communicating what you expect from the testimonial video will help guide them through the video. Ask them questions about your product, including:

  • “How did you discover the product”?
  • “What expectations did you have about the product, and how do you now feel about it after you have used it?
  • “How is it the product different than a competitor’s?
  • “Would you recommend this product to a family member or colleague?”

Offer guidelines on what your customer should wear and about the filming set to make them feel more at ease. The more comfortable and prepared they feel, the more natural the testimonial video will be. Memorized lines crafted by marketers should sound natural. An effective testimonial video will come off as if the customer in the testimonial video is haviing a conversation with a prospective customer – natural, intuitive, and personable.

Making Your Testimonial Social Media Friendly

Social media can potentially make your video a viral sensation. It is the driving force that catapults interactive forms of media. Testimonial videos are scalable, allowing your customers and employees to help create content. Here’s how your testimonial can be a hit on social media:

The Actual Shot

The testimonial video should be professional. This does not mean that you need expensive products. Technology has become more affordable as parts have become more available. If you are using a point and shoot camera, make sure that it is stabilized on a tripod. A mic attached to your subject will dramatically improve audio quality of your videos. There should also be supporting shots that include features of your product or service.

Using A Video Creation Company

Even though most people have access to a camera, it takes an expert to create content that is effective. Lighting is one of the great challenges that can easily distract from your video content. Effective, quality lighting needs to highlight the scenery and illuminate the subject on screen, including supporting shots that showcase the effectiveness of your product. Video creation companies can also isolate or remove noise that can distract the viewer. Video content is highly immersive and can be effective in reeling in engaged customers, but poorly made video will be ridiculed and thrown into the ether, creating a marketing disaster.


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