Video Content Marketing: Why Is It So Effective?

Testimonials, price quotes, feature highlits, e-books, Youtube personalities – they all harness the power of video content marketing in some way. Many have understood the prevalence and influence of video – with results to show how effective and versatile it can be. Marketing and science typically do not overlap, but there are very concrete factors that make video one of the most effective mediums for marketing:

1. Vocal Inflictions Say A Lot

Vocalization can bring out sympathy, happiness, excitement, and even a sense of familiarity. Not only does the added voice act as a stimuli that can help increase retention metrics, it is used to convey and deliver a message. It transforms emotionless text, into breathing content that has the power to influence.

2. Personalization of Brands

Video allows business to become “human”, forging trust with prospective customers and creating brand loyalist from regular customers. Customers are simply drawn towards video due to its human element, especially when juxtaposed over written text. Video marketing that is effectively used can bring about strong ROI, while allowing the customer feel familiar with your product or service. It is a win-win situation.

3. Emotions Are Contagious

When you are highlighting the features of your products, you can convey excitement by using a person’s face. People are wired to relate to a human face, making video marketing highly effective.
According to 70 percent of marketers, video converts far better than other types of marketing. Internet users are consuming more and more video. The current attention-driven economy demands content that is interactive, educational, and direct. Video content beats text-based content when it comes to engagement.

One of the positive aspects of video content is that it works well with other forms of marketing. Videos can be used as a promotional platform to catapult your website, newsletter, or email subscriptions. Attaching a video into a newsletter tends to reinforce subscribers, increasing click-through rates. Video marketing also forces the viewer to sit on your website for longer, which is an element that Google and other search engines favor.

Video is also more accessible than ever. Over are the days of primitive video players on flip phones. Prior to the evolution brought about by the original iPhone, it is deemed a manufacturer’s suicide to not include a dedicated video player on all cell phones. Powerful desktop and laptops, and the onslaught of tablets, has made video content more popular than ever. A video creation team will allow small and large businesses to harness the persuasive power of video content. Long gone are the large production budgets needed to make testimonial videos, many video content curators are able to work within the means of your budget.


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