How to use Personalised Video in your Business

A key component to making any video worthwhile is to make it personal. If you are not using video yet, you may recognize just how valuable it is with that first production your rollout. People interact with video and they engage with it more commonly than any other media method. Yet, video can get boring if you do not make it personal to your audience.

The most successful videos for businesses are those that reach your audience intimately. These are the videos they remember. How can you add that type of personalisation to your videos? Here are some strategies.

Use Video to Connect with Your Audience

To create a video that is watched by many, it is important for you to incorporate content that your audience wants to hear. They may need to know about your product and service, but what they want to also hear is that you understand the customer. For example, are you connecting with the people who are on the other side by sharing their stories and struggles? Your videos can incorporate a personal message to viewers or offer a simple way that you recognize viewers on an individual note.

Go Live

Though many business owners shy away from this process, it is one of the best ways to reach your audience. Live video does not just allow you to reach your audience outright in real time, but it lets you connect to them. You can answer questions, communicate directly to people using their names based on who is online, and discuss topics that are important to your audience. This type of live video – even when scripted, gives you the ability to step down, say hi to real people, and communicate directly with those who are interested.

Close Sales More Readily

When it comes to marketing, the end result is that you need to increase your sales. Video can help you to do that. When you create personalized messages, you are targeting individuals at a specific point in the sales journey. At each stage of the process, people need information that is specific to those individual and specific needs. What information they need at the very start of their buyer’s journey – such as information about the product or service – is different from what they need later, such as when they are making the decision to buy. Create videos at each stage to communicate key content at that moment.

When you create a personal series of videos like this, you reach more people at the right time with the best possible message for them at that moment. This is what helps to get them to turn the page and buy from you or connect with your brand more effectively.


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