4 Corporate Video Ideas to Make your Business Pop

Are you finding that your corporate videos are not getting a lot of attention? Perhaps people are watching just a few minutes and then giving up. It’s easy for this to happen if you don’t incorporate a consistent level of interesting new things or unique formats. To keep people busy, it is always important to do something unique. Here are a few ways to make your business videos pop.

Use Animation to Explain Your Topic

Corporate videos can be fun and a bit more lighthearted – these get more attention from viewers. Explainer animation is one way to do this. In short, you take the topic of your video, write out a script, and have an animating team create it for you. With bright colors, a fun character, and plenty of details to make someone smile, these concepts always do well.

Branded Videos Create Pride

Another way to build your corporate video interest is to include branded content. That is, you want to ensure your company is viewed in a positive, motivating, and clear manner. These videos should be short and keep your corporate brand as the focal point. Be sure to convey a specific, clear message – not too much detail is necessary. And, be sure to place a strong call to action at the end of them. You should be proud of what this video shows of your company.

Detail a Case Study

Often, concepts are hard to take in when they are nothing but words and marketing. Instead, bring an example to life. Use a case study of what you have accomplished. Show a customer’s journey and how you changed their outcome. The goal here is to ensure that your message is clear – this is what can happen when people buy your product or service. Case studies tend to ring true for most people. They connect with them more fully.

Go with an Educational Tone

Another route to take is with an educational or more formal tone. Do not get boring here with technical breakdowns and too many details. Instead, focus on educating people about the reason behind your company. Why do you do what you do? What benefit does your product or service offer the world around you? This is a fantastic way to demonstrate information that your viewers need to know, but to do it without the sales tone that commonly is associated with marketing.

When you take these steps – and use a video production company to help – you will have fantastic videos that turn heads. You want these videos to be interesting so people watch them.


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