How Videos Can Enhance Your Company’s Website

Let’s face it: we are living in a digital era where instant gratification means instant access. Humans have evolved into impatient, demanding creatures that have come to not only want but need and expect immediate access to all things technology-related. In essence, people would much rather watch a video than read through pages and pages of notes. Many successful email campaigns have involved an embedded link to a short video to explain a product or service and more and more companies are trending toward producing better quality videos. The trend that content marketing is heading toward is video. So here are some tips for making your presence online more effective through video:

  1. Using video will increase traffic to your website, guaranteed. Google now prefers websites with videos rather than plainer static websites and with enough traffic can place your website at the top of the search results. To increase your chances even further, invest time and energy in SEO by using targeted keywords when tagging videos.
  2. If your website already has a long list of loyal viewers and quality-based, sought after content, then you can use video to make money. There are several ways to do this, but primarily you can charge viewers a set fee to download videos and placing advertisements on video pages as well.
  3. Use your own customers to rate your products and services through video. There is nothing more convincing than hearing from customers that are satisfied and content with doing business with you.
  4. Stay fresh and active with video on your website. Update your website with a new video every week. Whether that is a sneak peek at what’s to come or a message from an employee, this will keep your website alive and promote a sense of community with you and your audience.
  5. Use videos to promote a special upcoming sales event like Black Friday or Boxing Day, especially if you already have an established community of consumers. The video should show off new products and promo codes, if applicable.
  6. Always put a video on every page of your website because you never know which page will be the landing page of your audience. So you will want to treat each page as if it were the selling point, the be all and end all of impressing your audience.
  7. Invest in a production team or graphic designer to help you create your video. Low-quality videos are perfectly acceptable for blogs and personal social media pages, but not for a professional company. You want to make a lasting impression on your audience, know their socks off with a video that reflects your business!
  8. Feel free to use video for your frequently asked questions sections. It is a very personal and creative way of connecting with and helping your viewers. You can give technical support or provide tutorials on how to use or order products. It costs little to no money and is a customer service representative that never gets sick and that is always available.

So if you want to make your website a one-stop shop for entertaining, thought-provoking, and informational videos, then reach out to us today and prepare for success!


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