Important Online Video Metrics for B2B and B2C Marketers

Just how important is video to B2C and B2B marketers? If you are operating a business, your goal is always to be to grow it by attracting new people to it. Video helps to make that possible. Often, the focus on video isn’t always clear. It’s easy to see why some companies may use it – their media professionals told them to – but, the metrics we have can clearly show the importance for using video throughout your communications. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of using video even if you have never done so before.

What the Surveys Tell Us

The Content Marketing Institute provides a great deal of information on this topic. In a recent survey, it found some key facts:

  • 83 percent of B2C marketers are using video as a part of their marketing strategies.
  • 82 percent use social media site YouTube as a connection point.
  • 59 percent of these B2C marketers actually see video as an effective tool, though.
  • And, 53 percent believe YouTube is an effective platform.

Now, consider the stats from Content Marketing Institute for B2B marketers:

  • 79 percent of these marketers are using video as a type of content marketing method.
  • 74 percent are using YouTube for their launch of videos on social media.
  • 62 percent find video to be effective in this segment.
  • 51 percent say YouTube is an effective place for videos.

Now, there is a lot of room for improvement in these numbers – even if the majority of people are using the tool. But, what’s important here is to look at why so many have yet to tap into video.

What Is Your Marketing Strategy?

Many B2C and B2B marketers see the company’s website as the heart of their marketing campaign. Social media channels, including YouTube are often thought of as secondary and feeding into the website. And, when you look at the actual numbers, YouTube doesn’t seem to be the place to go to convert viewers into buying customers. So, why would they invest in video?

However, you know the importance of video if you are a marketer. If you are a business owner, it is clear that your customers really do want to see video. But, how do you turn the page and actually start seeing improvement through the use of more video? Here’s where it needs to start:

  • There’s a significantly important detail that’s hard to drill down – just how many people watch video and use it, over and over again to influence the decision to buy. It’s important to understand how your users interact with the videos at your site and YouTube.
  • It’s important to ask customers where they heard of the company as well. To see this, it’s important to provide options on customer services for “YouTube” or online videos.
  • Define what the most important metric is for your organization. When Content Marketing Institute asked this question, they found that 30 percent of respondents said it was sales, the highest number.

The bottom line, though not always clear, is that most B2B and B2C marketers need to better embrace video as it relates to their organizations. When you do, you’ll see that it really does impact sales and grow business brands. Though it may not seem like the only option, it is one of the best ways to connect today.


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